Monday, July 25, 2011

Will he drink it?

Before I headed up to the Sky Club at DTW last Monday night, I headed to McDonald's to grab something to eat, but more importantly, to get a large Coke.  And later in the Sky Club, I planned on topping off a three quarters full large Coke with a bit of whiskey for a nice little treat on the plane.  (And that serves as my official first travel tip for my readers.  You're welcome.)

Now, there is nothing in this world that I love as much as a McDonald's Coke.  McDonald's Coke is the cure for anything; hangover, sleepiness, cancer, etc.  I got really bored and didn't finish reading this article about why it is that McDonald's Coke is better than other fountain Coke, but that really isn't the point of this story.

When I arrived at the fountain with my large 32oz. cup, I was devastated to see that it was all Pepsi products!  I'm sorry, but fountain Pepsi just doesn't cut it.  There must be some really effed up contract between DTW and Pepsi that only allows for Pepsi products to be distributed at restaurants.  There is a reason that every liquor is associated with Coke; Jack & Coke, Crown & Coke, Rum & Coke.  Name me one drink that is named _______ & Pepsi.  A Flaming Dr Pepper is as close as Pepsi gets and that drink actually doesn't involve Dr Pepper!

Before I could finish my story, Todd asked if I let the Pepsi ruin my plan; to top off my 32oz. beverage with some fine whiskey for the fun midnight plane ride to fun-lanta.  Jane and Liz seemed torn.  They thought it would make for a fun game show; Will he drink it?  Would I consume drinks that were just slightly off or unknown? 

In the end, I let the Pepsi sidetrack my master plan.  I was forced into splashing down some vodka and sodas before boarding time.  The group seemed to think that this was a positive sign that I don't have a drinking problem; that I have standards when it comes to my drinks.  I appreciate and fully accept their diagnosis.

Today's tip?  Don't plan on having your ills cured at DTW by the sweet nectar of McDonald's Coke.

Ryan Bingham

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What happens when you're by yourself in Atlanta

You start a blog, that's what happens.

I was inspired by a friend's blog. I figured my musings were far too important for the world not to hear. And since I was inspired by my friend's blog, I figured it only right to pay her homage by incorporating her into the name of my blog. You see, she DEMANDS postcards from all of my stops. (Really, this just started last week, but she is quite insistent now.) Ironically enough, the second sentence in the second paragraph of her first blog? Up in the air. Also, she nicknamed me Ryan Bingham in her blog.

While the "Postcards" portion of my title is a true (as opposed to a false one) shoutout to my inspiration (maybe inspiration sounds creepy, you'll find that I'm always second guessing myself and afraid that I might sound creepy or dumb), the " Up In The Air" portion is about what I do. I travel for a living. I'm on the road Monday through Thursday. I could be in any one of 44 continental states. Which gets us to the real purpose of this blog. I hope to share some funny travel stories, helpful travel tips, and the occasional "listen to me, I am wise" life lessons.

Don't ever plan on me taking heed to your grammar corrections. Future posts may be reviewed by an English major, but for the most part, they won't be. I didn't waste my money on an English degree. I wasted it on an engineering degree that I'm not using. (Also, be prepared to be offended every now and then. But, don't despair, I'm an equal opportunity offender.)

So, today's lesson, kids? Don't get stuck in Atlanta by yourself. You might just end up sharing your life with the world outside of the embarrassing pictures that get posted on Facebook.